The website www. activenews .gr , which belongs to the company Active Media London Ltd, offers its services under the following terms of use, which from time to time it may update and modify from time to time without notice. You should check them periodically
The www. activenews .gr provides users / visitors with the necessary technological infrastructure for your participation in our website. Thus, in the context of the services offered, we provide you with the opportunity to publish comments, texts and audiovisual material (hereinafter Content) relating to our articles and content in general. You hereby agree and accept that our Services are provided “AS IS” and that www. activenews .gr is not responsible for the timeliness, deletion, defective delivery, failure to save the content you send and therefore recommends that you keep your files on your personal computer.
You are aware and agree that the Services and Software provided by www. activenews .gr are protected by the current legislation on the protection of intellectual property. You agree not to modify the Software in any way or form, or to use modified versions of the Software, including for the purpose of unauthorized access to the Services. You agree that you will not access the Services in a manner other than the user interface provided by www. activenews .grfor use when accessing the Services. In addition, you are aware of and agree that the content of the site (articles, news, advertisements, sponsorships, etc.) – other than the one you submit, is protected by applicable copyright, trademark, patent, unfair competition, etc. .
You acknowledge that all information, comments, data, messages and any other Content submitted by you is your sole responsibility.
This means that you are solely responsible for the content you submit, publish, or otherwise transmit through the Services offered by www. activenews .gr . The www. activenews .gr undertakes the collection and hosting of content with the exception of videos hosted by Dailymotion and comments hosted and viewed through the online platform “ECHO”. However, due to the huge volume of information circulating as well as the participation of so many users, we do not have the ability to physically monitor the content and therefore we can in no way guarantee perfection, accuracy, completeness, adequacy, legality and in general the quality and appropriateness of it or the absence of possible errors.
The www. activenews .gr does not control the content published through the services and, consequently, does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of the content.
You agree not to use the Services for posting, publishing, or transmission in any other way:
(a) Content for which you are not entitled to broadcast in accordance with applicable law or your contractual relationships;
(b) Content that is illegal, threatening, defamatory, defamatory, abusive, vulgar, pornographic, expresses racial, ethnic or other discrimination, harms minors,
(c) Content that infringes any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary property of others;
(d) Content that constitutes unsolicited or unauthorized promotional material, spam, or other actions that adversely affect the ability of other users to engage in real-time information exchanges, interrupt or interrupt services or servers or networks connected to the Services,
(e) Content which constitutes an imitation of any legal or natural person or a false statement about the identity of the user, a misleading statement regarding the relationship and / or cooperation of the user / member with another person.
(f) Content containing digital viruses or any other electronic code, files or programs designed to interfere with, corrupt or restrict the operation of any software or computer equipment or telecommunications network or equipment.
(g) Harassment in any way of the privacy and individual and social rights of other users / members or third parties (such as the publication, collection and / or storage of personal data of other users / members or other natural or legal persons)
You understand and accept the international nature of the Internet and are committed to respecting and adhering to the rules of Internet ethics (Netiquette). You also undertake to strictly follow the legislation regarding the transmission of data from Greece, Cyprus and Europe to third countries.
You agree that www. activenews .gr does not control the content in advance, but that it has the right -but not the obligation- at its sole discretion to reject, move or delete any element of the Content that violates the Terms of Use.
You agree that www. activenews .gr gr is not responsible for any damage or loss resulting from the negligence of users to comply with the terms hereof. The www. activenews .gr reserves the right, if it realizes any of the above, to deactivate any such account without any warning to the user. The user of www. activenews .gr is solely and exclusively responsible for fully repairing any damage that www. activenews .gr his associates, and / or any third party due to any dispute / dispute / dispute that may arise and will be due to non-compliance of the user with the terms hereof.
You acknowledge and agree that www. activenews .gr may retain some content, as well as disclose content: (1) to partner companies in order to make the content available to you in a more convenient way, (2) to properly manage your account, and (3) in the event that this is required for: (a) compliance with applicable law, (b) better enforcement of the Terms of Use, (c) proof in allegations that the Content infringes the rights of third parties.
The www. activenews .gr in no case can be considered as accepting or embracing in any way the personal ideas or perceptions expressed in your Content. You retain the full responsibility of those you include in your content.
Thus, according to the above, the sole responsibility for its content is the user who created it and uploads it through the tools available to him from www. activenews .gr .
You recognize and accept the character of the Internet as an environment open and accessible to third parties therefore you understand and accept that www. activenews .gr in no case will be responsible in case a third party violates your content.
The www. activenews .gr due to the large volume of data, can not check and certify the accuracy of published by its users and therefore is not responsible for any inaccuracies and / or misleading statements of its users.
In case, a complaint is made that on our website there is illegal content that violates the rights of third parties and generally contradicts the good and transactional ethics while violating these terms, www. activenews .gr may delete it immediately without notifying the user who uploaded it. I further www for the same reasons . activenews .gr may exclude any user who violates these terms.
Users of our services may provide links to other websites. The www. activenews .gr does not have the ability to control these sites and in no case is it responsible for the Content, ads, promotions, contests, services, products etc available from the above websites. By accepting the present you expressly agree and accept that www. activenews .gr is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage caused to you by or in connection with the use of the Content of the above websites.
For the content you upload and publish, assign to www. activenews .gr a non- exclusive license of global validity, without obligation to pay royalties for its reproduction, modification, adaptation and publication on our website.
This license is valid until your Content is removed from our website in any way.
The www. activenews .gr reserves the right to set limits regarding the use of services e.g. as an indication, blocks on the size or number of files you upload, etc.
You expressly acknowledge that www. activenews .gr is not responsible for the deletion or inability to save your Content.
The www. activenews .gr is entitled, without compensation , at its absolute discretion and judgment, to modify or suspend, temporarily or permanently, the services described herein even without prior notice.
You agree that www. activenews .gr is not responsible to you for any modification, suspension or termination of its services.
You agree to indemnify and safeguard www. activenews .gr , associates, executives, agents, other associates and employees from claims or claims, raised by any third party and due to or caused by your content.
You have been informed and expressly agree that:
You fully assume any risk from using the Services of www. activenews .gr . The Services are provided “AS IS” and “ACCORDING TO AVAILABILITY”.
The www. activenews .gr does not guarantee or promise that:
(a) The services will meet your requirements.
(b) The Services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or unmistakable.
(c) Content that may be obtained from the use of the Services will be accurate or reliable.
(d) Any errors in the software will be corrected.
You agree and agree that www. activenews .gr is not responsible for any direct or indirect, positive or detrimental damage from the use of data resulting from:
(a) The use or inability to use the services,
(b) Services or products purchased or otherwise obtained or messages received or transactions made by or through the Services;
(c) Unauthorized access to or modification of your content and data;
(d) Statements or actions of any third party.
(e) The user’s decision to be based on the correctness, completeness and / or usefulness of any content. You understand and agree that you may not rely on content uploaded by other users on www. activenews .gr , including any “links” that may be published.
Given the nature and volume of the Internet, you understand and agree that by visiting third party content uploaded to the services of www. activenews .gr , it is possible to be exposed to indecent, annoying, offensive, immoral, vulgar, illegal, etc. content. In no case can www be held responsible . activenews .gr for any damage or loss you may suffer, due to your exposure to the above content.
The www. activenews .gr responsibly observes and implements the legislation on Personal Data. The information you provide to us is not disclosed to third parties (with the exception where provided by law to the competent authorities only) and in no way is it made public or exploited.
This information is used only to the extent deemed absolutely necessary for:
- the fulfillment of the individual services provided by www. activenews .gr .
- the maintenance of the smooth operation of the website.
Exceptionally www. activenews .gr may disclose personal data in the following cases:
- When he has the explicit consent of users for the disclosure of their personal data in any way.
- When the disclosure is made to third parties natural or legal persons with whom www. activenews .gr and only to the extent that it is absolutely necessary for the provision of the respective service from www. activenews .gr
- If required by law, court order or requested by any other state or regulatory authority.
The www. activenews .gr provides its users with the ability to delete their personal data and information at any time, to correct them and to update them or to deactivate their registration. To perform one of the above actions please contact info @ activenews .gr
13.1 The www. activenews .gr respects the intellectual and industrial property of others and asks its users to do the same. If you believe that any of your copyright or trademark has been infringed, please provide it at www. activenews .gr the following information via e-mail at info @ activenews .gr
- an electronic or actual signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the copyright or trademark holder,
- a description of the protected work which you claim has been infringed,
- a description of the exact location of the material you claim to be infringing,
- your address, telephone number and e-mail,
- a statement that – in good faith – you consider that the disputed use has not been authorized by the copyright holder or the trademark holder,
- a solemn declaration, under penalty of perjury, that the above information is accurate and that you are the owner of the copyright or trademark or that you have been authorized to act on behalf of the copyright holder
13.2 The content, trademarks and any other intellectual and industrial property of www. activenews .gr belong to natural or legal persons that have granted them with special agreements. The above content is protected by international copyright provisions. No part of this site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of www. activenews .gr or show of www. activenews .gr , in any way, in part or in summary, without our prior written permission. Especially for our rss feed, it is emphasized that they are available from www. activenews .gr to users strictly for personal and not commercial use. Commercial use of our content and / or rss feed is strictly prohibited. Any other use, reproduction, sale, lease, republishing, distribution, publication, execution, compilation, upload, download, configuration, modification of our rss feed is prohibited without our prior permission. Any commercial use of our Content and / or our rss feed as a means of selling any kind of hardware and / or software is expressly prohibited.
13.3 The use of our marks and / or our distinctive features without our permission is strictly prohibited
The above terms and conditions of use of www. activenews .gr as well as any modification thereof, are governed by and supplemented by the law of the European Union and the relevant international treaties. Any provision of the above terms becomes contrary to the Law, automatically ceases to be valid, without in any case affecting the validity of the other terms.
These terms of use, by which you expressly acknowledge that you have been informed, constitute the entire agreement between www. activenews .gr and you. No modification of these terms will be considered and will not form part of this agreement if it is not incorporated herein.