Lockdown in Cyprus was successful, next step is ‘safepass’ Deputy Government Spokesman says

Deputy Government Spokesman Panayiotis Sentonas said on Friday that the strict lockdown of the last two weeks proved to be necessary and it was successful, adding that Cyprus begins the relaxation of those restrictive measures against the coronavirus pandemic. 

He also said that the next important step to return to our daily lives as they were before the pandemic, is the ΄corona pass΄ and added that the best term to describe this new measure  would be `safepass`.

The Deputy Government Spokesman assured that the government will implement this measure with respect to both the constitutional order and the personal data of the citizens.

“The safe pass, adopted by the Council of Ministers at its last meeting, is a measure taken to keep the spread of the virus under control, at a time when we are restarting the economy, the social life and return to school” he said.

The specific measure, he said, will be temporary and constantly under evaluation, and will be revised if necessary.

He added that the goal is to lift this measure as quickly as possible.

Concluding, he said that there is now a debate across Europe on how to implement similar measures, each country chooses taking into account its own particular circumstances.

On Thursday, the Minister of Health announced the decisions taken by the Council of Ministers for the restart of the economy and social activities.

Referring to the conditions that will apply from May 10 in areas like shopping malls, restaurants, churches, etc., the Minister said that in order to enter those places, citizens should be vaccinated with at least one dose and 3 weeks have passed, or have been ill with COVID-19 for the last 6 months or, as a temporary solution until vaccination coverage is further advanced, citizens aged 12 and over are given the option to submit negative test certificate, PCR or rapid test, valid for 72 hours.


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