Most drivers would be happy to see more roadside cameras – provided they measure average speeds over a distance.
According to an RAC poll, just 18 per cent of motorists felt fixed cameras were best for policing speeds on fast roads amid claims that they penalise drivers for momentarily losing concentration.
But when it came to average speed cameras, which record how fast a car is going between four or five points, 58 per cent approved of them on 60mph and 70mph roads.
And on 40mph and 50mph roads 46 per cent said average speed cameras would be better, compared to 29 per cent for fixed cameras – which snap drivers speeding through a designated stretch.
But for 20mph and 30mph roads, fixed cameras came top with 43 per cent saying they were best, while 25 per cent opted for average speed cameras.
Average speed cameras are used on a number of A-roads but are only used on motorways in sections of roadworks.
© Provided by Daily Mail
More than half (56 per cent) of the 3,000 polled in the annual survey also admitted to breaking the 70mph limit on motorways.
The RAC’s Simon Williams said: ‘With so many admitting to driving much faster than they should on the motorway, it was interesting to see such strong support for average speed cameras to be used more widely to enforce the 70mph limit.’
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