Celebrating the Bicentennial of the Greek Revolution in Western Pennsylvania

PITTSBURGH, PA – The working group consisting of members of the American Hellenic Foundation of Western Pennsylvania, the Greek, French, English, Russian Nationality Room Committees at the University of Pittsburgh, the Greek American Progressive Association (GAPA), the Pan-Icarian Brotherhood, and the European Art Center of Greece announced the events that are now formally scheduled in the month of March to celebrate this once in a lifetime event, the bicentennial of the Greek Revolution. Titled “Celebrating the Bicentennial of the Greek Revolution in Western Pennsylvania: A Synaxis of Friends- To remember where we started from, to realize where we stand, and to decide where we want to go,” the events run March 1-28.

All the events are virtual (on the website, Youtube, or Zoom) and open to the public:

Over the coming weeks, additional menu selections on the website will be available for the events to be accessed on their scheduled day and time.

Event and theme-specific Commemorative Program Booklets in pdf file format will be available for download online.

Events Schedule:

Monday, March 1, 8 PM EST

Greetings, Welcome, and Proclamations by Richard Fitzgerald, Chief Executive of Allegheny County, and Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto designating the month of March 2021 as Allegheny County and the City of Pittsburgh’s Celebration of, and Tribute to Greek-Americans of Western Pennsylvania and the Commemoration of the Bicentennial of the Greek Revolution of 1821 in Western Pennsylvania.”

Friday, March 5, 8:30 PM EST

Το Ελληνικό Έθνος και η Επανάσταση Μέσα από το Κλέφτικο Τραγούδι (Μέρος Α´)- The Greek Nation and the Revolution inside the Klephtiko Song (Part 1) Program in Greek.

Saturday, March 6, 8:30 PM EST

Το Ελληνικό Έθνος και η Επανάσταση Μέσα από το Κλέφτικο Τραγούδι (Μέρος B´)- The Greek Nation and the Revolution inside the Klephtiko Song (Part 2) Program in Greek.

Εθνικός Κήρυξ

Celebrating the Bicentennial of the Greek Revolution in Western Pennsylvania: A Synaxis of Friends- “To remember where we started from, to realize where we stand, and to decide where we want to go,” runs March 1-28 online. Photo:

Sunday, March 7, 8:30 PM EST

Το Ελληνικό Έθνος και η Επανάσταση Μέσα από το Κλέφτικο Τραγούδι (Μέρος Γ´)- The Greek Nation and the Revolution inside the Klephtiko Song (Part 3) Program in Greek.

Saturday, March 13, 7:30 PM EST

Greece in America – America in Greece: First-in-History, Public Unveiling of Correspondence between the Greek Revolutionaries and the American Founding Fathers on the Matter of the Greek Revolution.

Sunday, March 14, 7:30 PM EST

From the Partimenti to the National Anthem: First-in-History, Public Performance by a String Ensemble of selections of the unknown chamber music compositions of Nikolaos Mantzaros, Greece’s first modern National Composer.

Saturday, March 20, 6 PM EST

First Principles: What America’s Founders Learned from the Greeks and How That Shaped Our Country- A Conversation with the Scholar and Best-Seller Author, Thomas E. Ricks; co-sponsored by the Department of Philosophy of the University of Pittsburgh, GAPA, and the Icarian Brotherhood.

Sunday, March 21, 7:30 PM EST

Giannis Davaris – A Revolutionary Hero at the Acropolis: A Narrative and Virtual Exhibit of a Lesser-Known Hero of the Greek Revolution, a joint presentation with the European Art Center (Peania, Attica, Greece).

Thursday, March 25, 8 PM EST

In the Beginning was the Logos and the Logos became Flesh: A Byzantine Concert-Presentation Celebrating the Unparalleled Christologic Canon of the “Annunciation Dialogue” featuring members of the Byzantine Choir of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh, co-sponsored by the American Society of Byzantine Music and Hymnology.

Saturday, March 27, 7:30 PM EST

Bridges of White and Blue: A Commemoration and Celebration of the Descendants in Western PA of the Lesser-Known Revolutionary Heroes- A Joint Project with the European Art Center (Greece) under the auspices of the Greece 2021 Committee, co-sponsored by the Icarian Brotherhood.

Sunday, March 28, 6 PM EST

Prometheus Resurrected: The London Protocols- Celebrating the Friendship of France, Great Britain, Russia, and Greece in the Rise of the Modern Greek Nation through the London Protocols of 1827-1830, a joint program of the French, English, Russian and Greek Rooms of the Nationality Rooms Program at the University of Pittsburgh and the European Art Center (Greece), Formal Bicentennial Proclamations by Mayor William Peduto and County Executive Richard Fitzgerald.

More information is available via email: [email protected].


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