1479 BC: Thutmose III ascends to the throne of Egypt, although power effectively shifts to Hatshepsut (according to the Low Chronology of the 18th Dynasty)
1184 BC: The Greeks enter Troy using the Trojan Horse (traditional date)
1877: Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78: Russia declares war on the Ottoman Empire
1898: Spanish–American War: Spain declares war after rejecting US ultimatum to withdraw from Cuba
1916: Easter Rising of Irish republicans against British occupation begins in Dublin
1967: American General William Westmoreland says in a Vietnam War news conference that the enemy has “gained support in the United States that gives him hope that he can win politically that which he cannot win militarily”
2023: India surpasses China as the worlds most populous country according to UN estimates, with 1,425,775,850 people (estimated to reach 1.7 billion by 2064)
Source: Onthisday.com
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