70: Roman army under General Titus occupies and plunders Jerusalem
1714: Treaty of Baden signed by the Holy Roman Empire and France, ending the War of the Spanish Succession; French retain Alsace and Landau, Austria gets east bank of Rhine
1812: Battle of Borodino: Napoleon Bonapartre wins a pyrrhic victory against Russian General Mikhail Kutuzov in the most ferocious battle of the Napoleonic era, 70,000 are killed
1822: Pedro I, son of King Joao VI declares Brazil’s independence from Portugal (National Day)
1888: Edith Eleanor McLean is 1st baby to be placed in an incubator at State Emigrant Hospital on Ward’s Island, New York
1909: Eugene Lefebvre becomes first pilot to die in an airplane craft, while test piloting new French-built Wright biplane at Juvisy
1940: Beginning of The Blitz as the German Luftwaffe bomb London for the 1st of 57 consecutive nights losing 41 bombers as the Nazis prepare to invade Britain
Source: Onthisday.com
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